Sunday, March 2, 2014

Group Planning Document for EDLD 5364 - Title of Lesson will be THE ALAMO!


April Harris (Blue)
Elizabeth King (Pink)
Marcus Arguello (purple)
Jeffrey Mitchell (Dark Red 1)
Brandon Stumon
Dane Richardson

Group website

Agenda to Cover this week:

- Need a Title Page for our Project Page
- Need Project Plan Page
- Google Doc (complete)

Web Conference questions below:

Where should we put our pages for everyone to review and update? On our website created last course?
I definitely think we should use our previous website for this.  Why reinvent the wheel? :) Team Awesome is back together again!
Here are some links that could help us come up with ideas for our group project differentiation lesson. Take a look at some or all of them when you get a chance. :)

Hey guys!  Team Awesome is back again!  
Elizabeth I think that is a great idea! I am attending the conference tonight and hope to get these questions answered.

After attending the web conference, do you think we should just link our previous website to a new one to keep it from being cluttered with too much information?

Elizabeth, Thank you so much for the resources! Below you will notice 2 tables for us to fill in as we decide we are going to be doing. If everyone can start thinking of ideas for a lesson, fun activities, and etc  to share on Sunday, that would be great! See you all then.
Link below is directly to the classroom scenario for our project.

Yay, go Team Awesome!  Thank you so much for getting this set up for us!
Hey, everyone!
Hello all!! How’s the weather everywhere? Same here!!!
It’s sleeting and freezing up here. Tryna stay warm.
Same Here!  Chatting is fine with me.  I have read and watched the videos for this week, but I have not studied the project very closely.
So have any of you had a chance to look over this week? Or see the videos yet? Did you guys just want to do our first meet on here? We can do the chat feature of just type either way.
I read and watched all the videos, but I’m still confused on what the group project is. I’m ok with chatting on here also.Either works for me
Here is fine, chatting on here is easier.

Meeting and Agenda
Time and Date
Google Docs/chat
Meet everyone discuss layout
Sunday, 3/02/2014
6:00-6:45 PM
April Harris
Elizabeth King
Jeffrey Mitchell
Marcus Arguello
Brandon Stumon
Dane Richardson
Creating lesson through Texas History, Texas Revolution. Lesson examples and outline will be in next meeting to look over. Planned next meet time.
Google Docs/Hangouts:
Work on planning website, decide on lessons for each person, make goals for the week.
Wednesday, March 5, 2014 8:00 pm

Job Description
Completion Date

chat on 3/2/14
6:11 PM

6:11 PM
Unit ideas?

6:11 PM

6:11 PM
Remember the Alamo!

6:11 PM
Texas Revolution

6:11 PM
That's what Jeff just got done teaching...

6:12 PM
it's an easy topic

6:12 PM
oh yeah!!

6:12 PM
Jeff just give us all your materials then ha

6:12 PM
Marcus is confused, I teach ELAR now
and I taught world cultures!

6:12 PM
I'm okay with Jeff giving us all the material! :_):-)

6:12 PM
Okay, you two are confusing me now.

6:12 PM
I was confused about you teaching...

6:12 PM
Tag, Jeff.. you're it!

6:12 PM

6:13 PM
no, to world cultures.. :/

Marcus Arguello
6:13 PM
Let's focus around the Alamo, great numbers stuff for math... the battle itself is great for reading and writing...

6:14 PM
I can get a full unit and lessons tomorrow on Texas Revolution.

Jeffrey Mitchell
6:14 PM

Elizabeth King
6:14 PM
Yes, and maybe we can bring in gun control into the conversation.

Marcus Arguello
6:14 PM
Science can always be linked in with the battles

Dane Richardson
6:14 PM
sounds good

Elizabeth King
6:14 PM
Do we have to cover all the core content areas?

6:15 PM
That's a whole other level!! !:-)

Marcus Arguello
6:15 PM
I think as long as we have six areas... which could be tricky

6:15 PM
No, I was going to look at the unit and see how many lessons can be built off of it and we can each pick the lesson we want to concentrate on. How does that sounds?

Jeffrey Mitchell
6:15 PM
That sounds good April

Brandon Stumon
6:15 PM
sounds good to me

Elizabeth King
6:15 PM
Good.. Has anyone taught it lately or in the past?

Jeffrey Mitchell
6:16 PM
I have not.

Brandon Stumon
6:16 PM
i taught last semester

Marcus Arguello
6:16 PM
We used Travis's letters in class. Then we wrote an expository piece off of it.

Elizabeth King
6:17 PM
Oooohhh... that's good Marcus..
You're off the hook, Jeff. Brandon and Marcus are it now, lol

6:17 PM
I taught US history 8th grade the past 3 years, but now I'm instructional technology

Jeffrey Mitchell
6:17 PM

Brandon Stumon
6:17 PM
i teach texas history currently

Elizabeth King
6:18 PM
What do you have on the Alamo, Brandon/

6:18 PM
awesome! do you want to look at your unit adn we both bring materials back on the next meeting?

Brandon Stumon
6:18 PM
Yes I'm good with that.

Marcus Arguello
6:18 PM
"Write to explain why people should stand up for what they believe in."
Elizabeth King left group chat.
Elizabeth King joined group chat.

6:20 PM
Marcus are you talking about what you just did in class?

Marcus Arguello
6:21 PM
Right before Christmas break...

Elizabeth King
6:22 PM
Have any of you looked at the sample websites, Dr. Cummings shared with us at the web conference?

Dane Richardson
6:22 PM
I am looking at it right now

Brandon Stumon
6:22 PM
We made Battle maps showing every major battle of the war

Elizabeth King
6:22 PM
Those will probably be our biggest assets.

Dane Richardson
6:23 PM
Main Objective: create a unit plan to solve a classroom scenario, focus will be to design developmentally appropriate learning opportunities that apply technology-enhanced instructional strategies to support the diverse needs of learners

6:24 PM
Yes, and I looked at Dr. Cummings examples website. The only resources on there are the scenario, an ebook example, and link to lesson builder

Elizabeth King
6:24 PM
Question: how much technology is supposed to be used in the lessons?Is the whole lesson technology based? If so, are we assuming that students have their own laptops/Ipads?

Dane Richardson
6:24 PM
I think that we can decide that

6:24 PM
I think it needs to incorporate technology, but I don't think it all has to have technology in it.

Brandon Stumon
6:24 PM
i would think technology would just aide the lesson

6:25 PM
we can ask on wednesday

Marcus Arguello
6:25 PM
Agree with April and Brandon

Jeffrey Mitchell
6:25 PM
i would just assume it would be classroom provided iPads/laptops & i wouldn't think it would all be brandon said, just used as an aide

Dane Richardson
6:25 PM
I think it is to incorporate technology with theories like connectivism and constructivism

Elizabeth King
6:26 PM
Cool..way to apply your acquired knowledge, Dane!

Brandon Stumon
6:26 PM
sounds about right

Elizabeth King
6:26 PM
I am all about constructivism and connectivism.. that cyborg theory creeps me out. ha

Dane Richardson
6:26 PM
Same here

Brandon Stumon
6:26 PM
yeah that one was weird

Dane Richardson
6:27 PM
But if we were cyborgs we could just have a chip placed in our minds that had all this information already done

6:27 PM
Yea, but in reality that's our near future!!

Brandon Stumon
6:27 PM
elizabeth I guess we can take you off the list to get a chip inserted in your arm

6:27 PM:-)

Elizabeth King
6:27 PM
True, Dane. ha
@Brandon, I grew up in church so the chip in the arm equates to the mark of the beast lol

Jeffrey Mitchell
6:28 PM

Brandon Stumon
6:28 PM

6:28 PM
You guys crack me up

Elizabeth King
6:28 PM
crack kills, April! Say no
Okay, I could go on for days, but.. I won't. :)  Do we need to discuss our website at all?

6:29 PM
So for tonight do we want to have the Unit picked out and make plans forthe next meeting?
Elizabeth, it's a hard habit to break!

Elizabeth King
6:29 PM
yes, it is, April, and those are lyrics to a really great song. :)

Dane Richardson
6:29 PM
Sounds good to me. Is this google doc we are on what we list as the URL in this weeks assignment?

Jeffrey Mitchell
6:29 PM

6:31 PM
yes. And Elizabeth, yes it is!!
When do you guys want to meet again?

Elizabeth King
6:32 PM
Do we need to post those thought questions to this document this week? and what do we have to have accomplished for this week's assignment besides a reflection?

Jeffrey Mitchell
6:32 PM
I am free all week this week!

Elizabeth King
6:32 PM
In that case, Jeff you get to do all the work!

Jeffrey Mitchell
6:32 PM
did i say this week? i forgot I am being moved to a 3rd content area this school

Elizabeth King
6:33 PM

Dane Richardson
6:33 PM
I am good with any night except Thurs evening. I have a track meet because I am still coaching

6:34 PM
Ha!! This first video says what we need to have accomplished this week and so does the assignment. Oh gees I remember those days!! :-)

Jeffrey Mitchell
6:34 PM
tomorrow is our track night but it might get the axe because of weather

6:34 PM
Do you guys want to meet Tuesday night or Wednesday after our web conference for the class?

Marcus Arguello
6:34 PM
It sprinkled so we are shutting down the schools

Dane Richardson
6:35 PM
Tuesday or Wednesday is good with me

Marcus Arguello
6:35 PM
Wednesday is best

Jeffrey Mitchell
6:35 PM
Tuesday & Wednesday work with me

Elizabeth King
6:35 PM
haha, Marcus. That's no joke!
I'm good with either night

6:36 PM
Okay we can go with Wednesday since it works best for Marcus

Jeffrey Mitchell
6:36 PM
just for marcus

Elizabeth King
6:36 PM
Let's do all the things Marcus wants to do...

Brandon Stumon
6:36 PM
that's cool with me

Jeffrey Mitchell
6:36 PM
watch him no show us too

Marcus Arguello
6:36 PM
Oh, you guys... I'm blushing...

6:36 PM:-)

Elizabeth King
6:36 PM
We know where you work, Marcus.

6:37 PM
that's right!

Jeffrey Mitchell
6:37 PM
ya marcus, you have all of my old bad kids
ol slaton, where all the bad cavalier children go

Marcus Arguello
6:37 PM
And they're finally learning!

Elizabeth King
6:38 PM
air high five for that one, M.A.
you have to admit that was funny, Jeff.

Marcus Arguello
6:38 PM:)

Jeffrey Mitchell
6:38 PM
our test scores are better

Elizabeth King
6:38 PM
April, do we need to do anything with the website?

6:39 PM
I think right now we are good. I would think on our next meeting we need to start adding things into the planning page of our website don't you?

Brandon Stumon
6:39 PM
yeah i agree

6:40 PM

Jeffrey Mitchell
6:40 PM
yes, i agree

6:40 PM
8 pm good for everyone?

Jeffrey Mitchell
6:40 PM
8 works for me

Marcus Arguello
6:40 PM
Agreed. Because I said so... just kidding... I love this group

Elizabeth King
6:40 PM
yes. and 8 is good

Brandon Stumon
6:40 PM
works for me

Elizabeth King
6:40 PM
Welcome to Team Awesome, Dane!

6:41 PM
Awesome! Maybe we can start thinking about questions to ask Dr. Sanders and Dr. Cummings on Wednesday to have information ready for our meeting

Dane Richardson
6:41 PM
Works for me. Thanks for all of ya'll's help. Nice to get t know everyone

Elizabeth King
6:41 PM
Sounds good, April! Thanks for keeping us focused.

Dane Richardson
6:42 PM
Ya'll will have to tell me how to add things to the site. That is where I am clueless.

6:43 PM
Definitely!!! And Elizabeth, thank you all for being such a great group!! I really like working with everyone!!
Dane just let any of us know what you need and we will gladly help out!

Elizabeth King
6:43 PM
no problem, Dane. It's not extremely difficult. I mean,even Marcus and Jeff can do it.

6:44 PM
Right :-)

Jeffrey Mitchell
6:44 PM

6:44 PM

Jeffrey Mitchell
6:44 PM

Elizabeth King
6:44 PM:)

Marcus Arguello
6:44 PM
Sorry, I forgot how to type

Elizabeth King
6:44 PM

Dane Richardson
6:45 PM
April, is the email that you sent me with ya'lls website the google site?

6:46 PM
I think so. Is it the team awesome google site link?

Dane Richardson
6:46 PM

Elizabeth King
6:46 PM
I put our google site link at the top of this google doc, too, Dane. Okay, guys, I still have to go comment on two other discussion board posts and submit my assignment.

Brandon Stumon
6:46 PM
see ya wednesday

Dane Richardson
6:47 PM
Ok, Thanks for an enlightening evening everyone. Wednesday at 8

Jeffrey Mitchell
6:47 PM
alright, see ya wednesday

Elizabeth King
6:47 PM
Night, everyone!

Marcus Arguello
6:47 PM
See ya'll on Wednesday

6:47 PM
okay sounds good! I have to finish dinner!
Y'all stay warm! :-)

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