Sunday, March 2, 2014

EDLD 5364 - Week 1 Learning

Learning about Constructivism, Connectivism, & Cyborg Learning
Our objective for Week 1 of EDLD 5364 was to learn about three different theories known as Constructivism, Connectivism, and Cyborg Learning. There were four different videos to watch along with six different reading assignments. All three of these theories have an effective place in education. The information that I discovered has allowed me to evaluate how I can help to persuade my teachers on my elementary campus to implement some of these theories into their classroom.
I must start by saying the video on Cyborg Learning was scary to me. I understand that our world is continually moving towards a more technologically advanced world, but the idea of enhancing memory, learning, and communication by transplanting a microchip into our human bodies does not seem like a good thing. Advanced technology can be a good thing. It has many positive roles that usually result in making life easier. At the same time, sometimes we don't acknowledge the negative impact that technology has on our lives. For example, technology sometimes causes us to become more lazy. As a principal, one of the most common problems I see in the classroom is laziness. I am afraid that Cyborg Learning will lead us down a path of self destruction and indolence.
Constructivism in the classroom has many positive effects. Students seem to take more ownership of their learning when this theory is used in the classroom. It allows students to discover knowledge which leads to a deeper cognitive form of learning. When students use self discovering methods, they attach what is learned with their life experiences . This helps the student to develop knowledge on a deeper cognitive level that can be repeated time and time again throughout the students educational career. The toughest part of the constructivism theory usually lies in the role of the teacher. Teachers' tend to have trouble with letting go of the tightly structured classroom which is required to practice constructivism. Once they let go, they soon see that their students progress more efficiently and the teachers job actually becomes less stressful. As a principal, I see on a daily basis that the teachers applying this strategy have less behavior problems than teachers who refuse to relinquish some of the control int heir classroom.

Citation: Warwirk, K. (nd). Cyborg Life [Video file]. Retrieved from

Citation: Abbot, J. (nd). Building Knowledge: Construvism in Learning. [Video file]. Retrieved from

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